Import from CSV

Select 'Import/From CSV' from the 'File' menu to import logbook books and associated jump profiles formatted as CSV ('Comma Separated Values') into Paralog's database. To import jump logs generated by other applications it is usually necessary to modify the structure (fieldseperators, field layout, column names, etc.) of the CSV file generated to the structure expected by Paralog. We suggest you export the demo database supplied with Paralog for a reference of the required structure and alter the files accordingly.

Import from JumpTrack

To transfer your logbook from JumpTrack, export your logbook jump data from JumpTrack using 'Paralog Format'.

Import from Skydiving Logbook

Select 'Import/From Skydiving Logbook' from the 'File' menu to import a logbook exported from Skydiving LogbookWeb. See this pageWeb for further details.

Note: Import from Skydiving Logbook requires DropboxWeb.